Minecraft 3D SBS VR Mod Minecraft 3D SBS VR Mod

This will enable 3D SBS (side-by-side) for Minecraft (optifine does NOT work with this mode).
You can either use a 3D TV/projector set to SBS mode or a VR headset or do parallel viewing with your eyes.
Instructions for manually viewing 3D images: www.3dphoto.net/text/viewing/technique.html and www.vision3d.com/3views.html
Install the mod by running the jar. Enable by going into 'Options', then 'Video Settings', and clicking the '3D Side-by-Side' button.
Go to 'Options' and then 'Controls' in order to setup hotkeys to configure the 3D settings.
Increasing the 'Eyes distance' exaggerates and increases the depth/3D effect but may cause nausea and eye strain so set it for what is right for you.
Credit to: fusnfox / kapiteon

Downloads: 3D mod for Minecraft 1.8.9       3D mod for Minecraft 1.10

My server is backwards compatible with Minecraft 1.10 3D: jongames.com
If you enjoy 3D, check out my 3D photos here.