Server ONLINE       0 Players Connected

denMS is an MMORPG or massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Pick a class, fight monsters, customize your character, and explore the vast world with your friends!
Based on HeavenMS source, an incredibly stable server.

Beginner Warrior Magician Bowman Theif Pirate Cygnus Aran

Rank Name Job Level
46 Chtack Legend 10
47 Aranian Aran 10
48 iLLz Legend 9
49 baisc Legend 8
50 Quantro Legend 8
51 saltiva Legend 7
52 Ingo Legend 6
53 Idontcut Legend 5
54 Lord Legend 3
55 Xhul Legend 3
56 321asdfsadsa Legend 2
57 xMisH Legend 2
58 Sora Legend 1
59 OhMyGod Legend 1
60 hellothere Legend 1