Mac & Linux Install

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Mac & Linux Install

Post by xX.jongames.Xx »

Please download and install VirtualBox version 6.0:
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION called 6.1, it does not work anymore...

Download the ZIP archive with the two files denms.vbox and denms.vmdk from this link to use with VirtualBox. (you must keep these two files in the same folder in order for it to work)

Double click on the denms.vbox file or open VirtualBox and add the downloaded denms.vbox file
vbox.PNG (29.5 KiB) Viewed 31659 times
denmsvboxstart.PNG (26.67 KiB) Viewed 31659 times

Ignore any errors along the way and you should eventually see this screen:
denmsvbox.PNG (34.93 KiB) Viewed 31659 times
Double click the denMS icon above to run the game. This is what you will see at first, it is the auto-updater:
warningVM.PNG (62.93 KiB) Viewed 30462 times
WARNING: If this command prompt / terminal window is closed before it finishes (it will launch the game automatically when it is done) or if it is launched twice in succession, it will break the game.
So do not accidentally open the denMS icon twice or close anything until the game has started.

To make the game full-screen and look clearer within the VM press Alt-Enter while the game is open. To exit the VirtualBox you must shut it down properly:
exitdenms.PNG (54.25 KiB) Viewed 31659 times

This has not been tested to work under any software other than VirtualBox version 6.0.8 & 6.0.16 & 6.0.24
Noticed a weird bug on Nvidia Optimus laptop computers (those with both intel and nvidia graphics). denMS runs very slowly with laggy graphics if VirtualBox is running using the Nvidia graphics card on an Optimus laptop system.
***The fix is to close VirtualBox completely and reopen it this time running it using Integrated Graphics.
Last edited by xX.jongames.Xx on Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
Site Admin
Posts: 60
Joined: Mon May 06, 2019 3:17 pm

Re: Mac & Linux Install

Post by xX.jongames.Xx »

An alternative to Virtualbox from the above post is VMware: This may offer better performance and compatibility depending on your hardware.

VMware Player versions 12 - 16 (Linux) now supported, download and extract this zip which is denMS setup for VMware software.
(Newer versions of VMware probably work due to their ability to run in backwards compatibility mode for version 12, although this is untested)
The VMware Player download link may take a moment to load and will appear as a blank white screen while it loads...
VMware 12 is the last version to support old CPUs & computers with architectures before 2011 / the i3 i5 i7 series, so use that instead of the latest VMware if needed.

I do not have a Mac to test this but the same zip for VMware in this post should work for VMware Fusion (Mac only)

Also both Virtualbox and VMware denMS zips have been compressed to make it smaller (3.3GB to 2GB!!!) allowing for faster downloads and a lower disk space requirement.